Losing your dog, or having them taken off you, is an unbearable thought. But, sadly, it’s a reality for the owners of more than 2,000 dogs that are stolen each year in the UK.
You don’t want to think about it happening to your beloved pooch. But if it does, or you're looking for advice on how to deter dog thieves, we're here to help.
If your dog goes missing, and you believe they have been taken, time is of the essence to get awareness out there, and make your pet ‘too hot to handle’
What to do if your dog goes missing
Report the theft to the police straight away. Make sure you get a crime reference number and insist that your dog is recorded as stolen and not missing
Report the theft of your dog to your local authority dog warden
Notify your microchip database provider that your dog has been stolen. Should they be scanned for a microchip, the chip will show that the dog is recorded as stolen and thieves will be unable to change the details
Inform local rescue centres, animal charities and vet practices to keep an eye out for your dog
Monitor places thieves may try to sell your dog, like pet websites, pet shops and facebook groups. Notify the police immediately if you come across anything
- Use missing and stolen animal websites such as DogLost. They help reunite missing pets with their owners by offering free advice and support
- Use the power of social media to post about your pet and make people aware of your dogs being stolen.
Photo by Tillmann Hübner on Unsplash
The Pet Abduction Act, made pet theft a specific criminal offence in England and Northern Ireland 2024, and anyone found guilty can be fined and receive up to 5 years in prison. Pet theft was previously recorded as property being taken from the owner. The aim is to reflect the emotional distress caused but also, to deter thieves in the first place and ensure that the punishment reflects the crime.
Tips for using social media to find your dog
One of the most effective ways to raise awareness of your lost pet is through social media. Here’s six of our top tips, to help you do that.
1. Create a poster with a recent picture of your dog and where they were last seen. Include as much detail of the incident as possible.
2. Post on all the platforms you can and ask your friends and family to do the same. Share in as many facebook groups as you can, as soon as you can.
3. Ask your followers, friends and family members to share your posts.
4. Search social media platforms. If someone finds your dog, they may have posted about it themselves. So, search for identifying features and the location your dog was lost. For example, you could try ‘dog found in Essex’ or ‘brown Labrador found.’
5. Tag animal charities, vets, microchip database providers and local businesses. Ask them to share your posts.
6. Make sure your social media profiles and all of your posts about your missing pet are set to ‘public’ in the security settings.
Keep thieves away from your home and your dog by making sure you keep your home secure.
1. Ensure your house and property boundaries are secure – keeping your dog in and intruders out. Keep your doors locked and your boundaries in good condition
2. Install a security light and fit sturdy locks to garden gates - this will prevent trespassers gaining easy access to your properties
3. Join your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme and report any suspicious activity to the police
4. Do you post pictures of your dog on social media? Regularly review your privacy settings and make sure your address can’t be identified from your posts.
Photo by Rebekah Howell on Unsplash
Always knowing where your dog is means thieves will have a harder time getting hold of them as you will be able to spot any signs of potential theft
1. Keep an eye on your dog when they are in the garden and never leave them unsupervised. More than 50% of dogs are stolen from their gardens.
2. When exercising your dog off-lead, always keep them in sight and pay attention to what they are doing. Make sure they come back when called.
3. Never leave your dog unattended in a public place - even if it's just for a minute. Dogs tied up outside of shops are prime targets for thieves. Likewise, never leave your dog alone in a car.
Photo by CrowN on Unsplash
If the worst should happen, you want to have done everything you can to help ensure you can be reunited by having the right information to help with the search
1. Make sure your dog is wearing a tag with your name, phone number and address on it
2. By law, your dog must be microchipped - once they are, let your database provider know if any of your contact details change
3. Keep up-to-date, clear photos of your dog, making sure to show any distinctive features.
Photo by Jane Stroebel on Unsplash
Unfortunately only 1 in 6 stolen dogs are reunited with their owners - keep your dogs safe by following our tips above, and ensure you know what to do if the worst should happen